Making Bubur Lambuk

On the 14th of April 2023, Sabah College Prefects League Board, and School Library Prefects collaborated in an activity of preparing and cooking Bubur Lambuk.
Bubur Lambuk is a type of traditional Malaysian rice porridge that is commonly served to break fasts during the holy month of Ramadhan. Said activity was included as one of the activities for Mutiara Kasih Ramadan Program hosted during the holy month of Ramadhan.

Five students who were helping with the raw ingredients preparation posing with Uztaz Fazli
Pn Hajah Nurani Fauziah binti Derin, alongside Pn Samsiah Almalek and Pn Zunaidah was also present during the preparation.

Pn Hajah Nurani Fauziah binti Derin, alongside Pn Samsiah Almalek and Pn Zunaidah monitoring and helping student leaders as they cook the porridge.
After the student leaders cooked all the ingredients together, the porridges were then divided into little containers to later be distributed to the nearby mosque, school staffs, and the nearby federal building security guards.

May Allah bless those who participated with good deeds. Amiin.